Leg surgery

  • 2-3 hours
  • 72 hours
  • 3-4 weeks

Thigh surgery is the surgical technique aimed at eliminating flaccidity, excess skin or fat tissue around the thighs and to recover firmness and muscle tone.

Indicated for...

Men and women with an excess of fat or skin located in the contour of the thighs because of hormonal changes, aging, abrupt changes in weight or a sedentary lifestyle.

Before surgery

First visit

We perform a physical examination and a personalized interview.

We analyze your complete medical history

We locally analyze the condition of the skin of the inner thigh:
-Fat tissue

Conclusion and recommendations

Based on the analysis of your medical history and your motivations, we recommend you:
-The type of procedure to be performed.

Type of procedure

The surgery is performed in an operating room, usually under general anesthesia. It lasts between 2 and 3 hours.

Lines are drawn on the upper and inner side of the thigh and in the inguinal region, to define the amount of skin and fat tissue to be resected. The incision is made, to detach the skin and fat tissue. After the resection, the incision is closed and a bandage is placed to facilitate healing.


The first 24 hours

Patients will stay in the clinic in absolute rest with drainage and bandage.

From the second day

After the control and the first treatment of the surgical wound patients can move around the room.

From the third day

Patients will be discharged, with the medication and recommendations of the specialist.

From the second week

We will carry out the control in the examination room and depending on the evolution of healing we recommend patients to keep some local bandage and the use of moisturizers. Patients can come back to work in between 15 days and a month, depending on the activity required for it.


Any doubt?

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